Development policy aims at generating sustainable and inclusive growth, increasing income and creating decent work with respect to the environment, and providing small-scale entrepreneurs with new opportunities. It is in this context that “value chain promotion” has emerged as a key concept of economic development. The value chain approach helps development programmes to address issues of economic change that are critical for sustainable development. Business communities need to get much better organised and become more market-oriented. The investment of government and private enterprises has to be coordinated and sustainability standards need to get introduced. Building on these ideas, GIZ has developed an action-oriented methodology called ValueLinks 2.0 that compiles the most important tools for value chain promotion. It provides the framework for a systemic approach to strengthening national and regional competitiveness and includes know-how for organisations and public agencies active in the field of economic development.
Objectives of the seminar
The objective is to enhance the skills of participants in designing, implementing and monitoring value chain upgrading projects. The know-how covers both technical subjects and facilitation skills to work with groups of entrepreneurs, business associations and public institutions.
The seminar is organised by IDC Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Germany, in cooperation with Green Agro Solutions PLC, Ethiopia. IDC runs ValueLinks training seminars regularly in different countries and has already organised or co-facilitated more than 130 ValueLinks introductory training and training-of-trainers seminars. This is the 5th ValueLinks seminar organised in Ethiopia jointly by IDC and Green Agro Solutions.
The training seminar is intended to serve consultants, planners and practitioners at development agencies, consulting firms, government organizations and business associations in Ethiopia.
Main contents of the training seminar
The seminar gives participants a profound introduction into the concept and methodology of ValueLinks 2.0, which is one of the most recognised VC development approaches and currently implemented by a large number of programmes worldwide. The training follows an interactive method, in which the presentation of concepts, facts and methodology alternates with exercises to apply hands-on tools and know-how to concrete cases. Participants apply the concepts in working group sessions and get insight into real-world practice during a field trip.
In particular, the training covers the following subjects:
- Introducing the value chain promotion concept and the general terms used at the interface of sustainable development and inclusive growth
- Selecting high potential value chains
- Mapping and analysing value chains
- Developing a vision and strategy for chain upgrading
- Process design and facilitation skills for working with chain actors and engaging in public-private partnerships
- Introducing innovative business models
- Facilitating horizontal and vertical market linkages
- Promoting improved business services
- Strengthening financial service arrangements
- Introducing standards on product quality and safety
- Improving the business climate of value chains
- Conducting impact monitoring in value chain projects.
Training Material
Participants will receive a complete set of ValueLinks presentations and additional information on value chain promotion online.
Venue, duration and number of participants
The seminar will take place in Jimma, November 25-29, 2024, and is limited to a maximum number of 25 participants.
The seminar language will be English.
Registration and Fees
Training fees are 1,500 € per person including accommodation if you register before October 10. After October 10, a training fee of 1,700 € will be applied.