IDC Unternehmensberatung GmbH

2006-2023 Training workshops for value chain promotion (own organisation or in cooperation with GIZ, ITC, AFE and others)

  • Facilitation of a series of more than 125 value chain promotion training workshops with more than 2,500 participants from international donor agencies, NGO’s and project staff in Algeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroun, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tunisia, United States, Vietnam, Yemen
  • Training on latest principles and tools of state-of-the-art private sector development based on the GIZ approach ValueLinks
  • More than 25 additional training-of-trainers (TOT) courses for building up national trainer capacities for ValueLinks

2006-2023 Trade promotion for handicrafts from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Bhutan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (on behalf of ITC, GIZ and Villageworks)

  • Organisation of annual trade fair participations at the leading international trade fair AMBIENTE in Frankfurt
  • Coaching of small and medium enterprises on marketing, costing and pricing, export marketing plans, distributor networks
  • Preparation of national sector strategies on arts & crafts and silk in Vietnam and Cambodia
  • Introduction of a handicraft label in Luang Prabang, Laos

2018-2023 Value chain analysis and value chain selection studies in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Armenia and Georgia (on behalf of GIZ and ITC)

  • VC selection study Non-timber forest products in Cameroon (2023, GIZ)
  • VC selection study for the project Strengthening Rural Value Chains in Ethiopia (2021, GIZ)
  • VC analyis “The rice value chain in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam” (2020, GIZ)
  • VC analysis for fruit and vegetable VCs and hazelnuts in Armenia and Georgia (2018, ITC)

2013-2019 Value chain promotion in Côte d’Ivoire (Client: GIZ)

  • Preparation of VC studies and organisation of multi-stakeholder VC upgrading planning workshops
  • Implementation of part of the GIZ poject “Promotion des Filières Agricoles et de la Biodiversité (PROFIAB)” in the framework of the consortium GFA-PROMAK-IDC

2011-2019 Training on VC promotion and policy advice of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection in Benin (on behalf of GIZ)

  • Support of component I of the GIZ programme ProAGRI
  • Project implementation in the framework of the consortium AFC Consultants International GmbH and IDC Unternehmensberatung GmbH (ARGE AFC/IDC) with a team of long-term and short-term advisers in Benin

2018 Value chain studies in Armenia and Georgia (Client: ITC)

  • VC studies and project planning for fruit and vegetable value chains
  • Trade fair participation Salon International de l’Alimentation, Paris

2011-2013 Evaluation and project progress review Farmer Business Schools in Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Cameroon (on behalf of GIZ)

  • Assessment of the effectiveness of a new toolkit to promote entrepreneurship of smallholder farmers
  • Programme co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other private partners

2009-2013 One UN programme “Green production and trade to Increase Income and employment opportunities for the rural poor” in Vietnam (on behalf of ITC)

  • Planning of a Joint Programme Document for five UN organisations (UNIDO, ITC, ILO, FAO and UNCTAD) approved for funding of a three-year programme by the Spanish MDG Fund
  • Preparation of five value chain studies for bamboo/rattan, sericulture/silk, sea grass, lacquer ware, handmade paper Impact assessment 2013

2010-2012 Evaluation of GIZ programmes in Kenya, Ghana, Sierra Leone and South-Sudan (on behalf of GIZ)

  • Assessment of the significance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of GIZ development programmes
  • Planning of new programme phases

2006-2007 Training courses on trade fair participation (on behalf of AFC/GTZ Cairo, HEIA Cario, AFE Sarajevo)

  • Provision of 1-2 day training courses on improving international trade fair participation success of leading food products export companies
  • Training groups of exhibitors from Egypt and Bosnia attending the SIAL 2006 trade fair in Paris, FRUITLOGISTICA 2007 in Berlin and BIOFACH 2007 in Nuremberg
  • Assistance to exporters at leading international food trade fairs in France and Germany

2005-2007 Programme “Agricultural Development Burkina Faso” (in consortium with AFC International Consultants GmbH; on behalf of GTZ)

  • Implementation of the programme components “Enhance market-based production” and “Improve the supply of services in the agro-sector”
  • Provision of guidance to improve value chains of selected agricultural products Fielding of a long-term expert

2004-2007 Development of local value chains in Cameroon (in cooperation with Integration Consultants Frankfurt, on behalf of GTZ)

  • Analysis of selected value chains, design of sector specific support measures, training of project staff and representatives of regional authorities
  • Fielding of short-term experts

2005-2006 Monitoring of EU/ACP investment promotion conferences (on behalf of PRO€INVEST - Centre pour le Développement de l’Entreprise (CDE))

  • Monitoring of regional investment promotion congresses in the IT sector (Caribbean 2005/West and Central Africa 2006) organized by PriceWaterhouseCoopers France
  • Monitoring of regional investment promotion congresses on Energy and Infrastructure (West and Central-Africa 2005/East Africa and Indian Ocean 2006) organized by Bernard Krief Consultants France
  • Guidance on conference organization and evaluation of results with a team of five experts.

2006 Manual for value chain analysis (on behalf of ITC)

  • Development of guidelines for local consultants on how to collect relevant value chain information for programme planning purposes
  • Introduction of local consultants to main terms, concepts and tools used in VC analysis, interview questionnaires and reporting

2004-2005 Investment promotion Estonia (on behalf of Enterprise Estonia)

  • Organization of a series of roundtable meetings with German investors
  • Participation in foreign trade promotion conferences of German Chambers of Commerce

2002-2004 Promotion of Embedded Business Development Services (EBDS), Ghana

(on behalf of AFE)

  • Participation in a DFID-funded research project on embedded business development services for micro enterprises in the Ghanaian crafts sector
  • Capacity building of crafts exporters relating to the provision of embedded services on quality management, product development and market access to a large number of subcontractors

2004 Design of a German economic development progamme in Senegal (on behalf of GTZ)

  • Feasibility study for a long-term programme on job creation for unemployed young people
  • Components: SME development, business development services, promotion of start-ups, vocational training, micro-finance

2001-2002 SME development in Bosnia-Herzegovina (on behalf of the EG Tuzla)

  • Fielded international short-term experts to provide marketing, design and production management training in the furniture, metalworking and handicraft sectors
  • Provided technical assistance to prepare Bosnian companies to participate in regional trade fairs, organized business missions for Bosnian entrepreneurs to Germany

IDC Academy

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